Thursday, November 1, 2007

Zombie Family

I thought it would be refreshing to dress our baby up for something horrific for Halloween, partially as a rejection of all those sugar-sweet costumes they make for kids these days, but mostly in the spirit of the spookiness of the holiday. So, a zombie family were we. Phil stopped me short of smearing gobs of cakey makeup all over Archie, but allowed a few swipes of white and gray on his forehead and cheeks for effect. He immediately ingested the small amount of blood red I put on his chin, and was truly terrified of the mangled baby doll. The dismembered arm befuddled him -- at first he was thrilled to have unlimited access to fingers for biting and sucking, but then the rubberized texture offended his distinguished taste for real live human digits. We went to our friends Jeff, CJ and Finn's house to hand out treats, and Archer spent the evening stealing Eliot's pacifier, moaning and wailing like a proper baby zombie.

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