Thursday, November 1, 2007

On the Menu

This surprises me: I am really into making Archer's baby food. I feel like a mad chemist, mixing new ingredients and experimenting with his budding tastes. It is oddly satisfying to beat all kinds of food into a quivering pulp and offer it to him like it is chocolate-covered awesome. Babies are so gullible. Actually, my hope is that organic fruits, vegetables, and porridge will become his personal version of chocolate. Sure, it's a total pipe dream to image Archer at his fifth birthday party rejecting ice cream in favor of kale and swiss chard salad, but I do feel good about loading him up with it early and maybe helping him to develop a more sophisticated palette. And I don't feed him anything I don't eat myself -- in mush form, even. Yum.

Who am I kidding -- this kid is probably going to refuse everything but chicken nuggets as soon as he hits three. Nevertheless, armed with a miniature food processor and Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron (thanks Bridget and Alicia), I've been creating a veritable feast of mushy fare each week, and so far nothing has been rejected outright -- except for egg yolks. Actually, Archer didn't even reject those, but his stomach did. Barf. In the photo, from left to right, are what's on this week's menu: blackberry applesauce, broccoli, stewed prunes, potatoes, super porridge (oatmeal, amaranth, wheat bran, flax meal). I also made those teething biscuits, which are the consistency of plywood and utterly delightful for that slobbering, double-toothed munchkin.

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