Thursday, September 13, 2007


It is fascinating to me. You mix two people's gene pools together, give 'em a shake, and you have an entirely new look, but with some spooky similarlities to said gene pools. Most folks comment that Archer is unequivically a miniature version of Phil, but with smaller ears and a huge, gaping mouth. I suppose those things come from me - nice. Both Auntie Molly and Grandpa Jim have produced baby pictures of themselves and beamed, "See? Spitting image of myself at that age." My dad commented early on that he thought Archer had the Comfort wide nose - and my mom was taking offense, mumbling, "Hey, hey, it" - until he realized that was just the distortion from so many up close camera angles.

I suppose since I am with the boy day in and day out, those traits he has recieved from various family members have become less and less distinct to me. All I see is one magical individual. It is clear he's been swimming in a lovely gene pool indeed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, he is so cute and I have to admit that he is definitely Phil's son...I do see some of you Jill - but hands down my vote goes to the Burns gene pool!

I love that he is sitting up - that was always my favorite stage. The kid is happy, but can't move!:) That works well for everyone!

Love you three!