Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Archer's Buddy Eliot

You can call it "Archer's first play date" if you like. You could say these boys are "two peas in a pod." Whatever bizarre baby lingo or cliche you might choose, the facts are that I took care of two children under 7 months of age all day today...and it wasn't nearly as harrowing as I anticipated. Eliot, who belongs to our good friends John and Colleen, was dropped off this morning and stayed all day.
We walked, visted with college students, played on the mat together, spit up together, got the hiccups together, laughed together, and ONLY ONCE did we cry (actually, bawl) together. In general, we all just enjoyed each other's company. But don't get any crazy ideas - there are no plans to have another bambino anytime soon.

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