Saturday, August 4, 2007

We Have Ourselves a Sleep Genius.

Here we are at day six of sleep training, and Archer is at the top of his class. Okay, it is a class of one, but he certainly deserves an "exceeds expectations" comment on his report card. He has learned how to self-soothe and put himself to sleep. Those two (yes, two) snuggle blankets help a lot. Occasionally he will cry for a bit, but mostly he either falls right to sleep or plays by himself in the cradle and then drifts off. Brilliant.


Unknown said...

Jill/Phil and my darling little Archer...

What a wonderful thing for "Auntie" Molly to have! I love to see your smile, my sweet little man! Jill and Phil, you look pretty darn good yourselves!

Thanks for doing this for those of us who aren't there to share, first hand, the wonders of Archer!


Brook said...

Way to go Jill, I knew you could do it.