Monday, August 20, 2007

The Innerworkings of a Young Mind

One of my favorite pastimes is imagining what might be knocking around up there in Archer's head. Here's an example of what I think his commentary would be if he could talk...
1st Photo: "Ah yes, finally...a chance to rest my weary bones..."
2nd Photo: "Holy crap! Am I in some type of rubber chair that's suspended at least three feet off the ground?!?! Is this safe?!?!"
3rd Photo: "Okay, maybe a little overreaction there. This is actually pretty fun."
4th Photo: "Wow. Definitely fun. I'm totally swinging back and forth and have no idea how I'm doing it. Is everybody seeing this? Is this nuts or what? God, I can't remember the last time I felt like this - maybe back in the womb when I was..."
5th Photo: "Whoa! Did you guys see that? That dog just took a monster dump and the owner just walked away. What is that, a St. Bernard? Good lord..."

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