Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Baby's First Backpacking Trip

At least, it started out as his first backpacking trip, but as the weather grew more and more grim, we began downsizing the adventure. So, what began as an ambitious plan to hike in six miles on Skyline Divide in the Mt. Baker Wilderness and sleep overnight in the backcountry rapidly deteriorated into pitching our tent at the roadside Douglas Fir Campground, hiking along the North Fork of the Nooksack for an hour and a half, putting the kid to sleep in the tent at seven o'clock, sitting in the car drinking imported beer and listening to the Mariners game on the radio, spending the night cramped against the damp walls of our narrow tent while it poured rain, getting up at 5am, throwing our gear into the car in soggy lumps, and driving home.
Laughing all the way.
Yes, we were extremely unprepared for baby's first "wilderness" experience. But now we are all the wiser. Aside from all of the missing pieces of gear and planning that would have helped us, our most important lesson was simply to check the weather forecast and think seriously about rescheduling if it threatens to dump rain.
All of this essentially makes for a great story of how we fumbled and bumbled, and it was not discouraging in the least. We are more excited than ever to return to the mountains and forests, each time getting it a little more right. And, parenthetically, Archer absolutely loved riding on his dad's back watching the rain trickle of the cedar boughs and the river thunder over the boulders -- wait, maybe that was me. Anyhow, he was a happy camper in that carrier -- taking in big eyefuls of his environment.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Fairhaven Park Fountains

Archer + Water = True Love.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Greetings From Beneath The Pillows

I'm not sure why it is so fun to bury this child under our bedding, but he sure seems to dig it!

Shake Your Maraca

As his fine motor skills have continued to improve over the past few weeks, he knocks himself in the head less and less.

Innerworkings Part II

1st Photo: "I'm feeling a little concerned about that kid eating dirt near the water fountain -- that just doesn't look clean."
2nd Photo: "Uh oh, here comes his mom. Let's see how she handles this one. He is caked in mud..."
3rd Photo: "...and she's locked him in a football hold, stomping toward the restrooms. Ooooh - she is not happy. Looks like she's barely holding it together in front of the other moms..."
4th Photo: "Huh? Did somebody call my name? Sure, I'll have another push..."
5th Photo: "AH NO! You did not just fall flat on your back trying to balance and push me at the same time! That is embarrassing!"

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Innerworkings of a Young Mind

One of my favorite pastimes is imagining what might be knocking around up there in Archer's head. Here's an example of what I think his commentary would be if he could talk...
1st Photo: "Ah yes, finally...a chance to rest my weary bones..."
2nd Photo: "Holy crap! Am I in some type of rubber chair that's suspended at least three feet off the ground?!?! Is this safe?!?!"
3rd Photo: "Okay, maybe a little overreaction there. This is actually pretty fun."
4th Photo: "Wow. Definitely fun. I'm totally swinging back and forth and have no idea how I'm doing it. Is everybody seeing this? Is this nuts or what? God, I can't remember the last time I felt like this - maybe back in the womb when I was..."
5th Photo: "Whoa! Did you guys see that? That dog just took a monster dump and the owner just walked away. What is that, a St. Bernard? Good lord..."


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In Light of Recent News...

I decided to delete the video of Archer in the bathtub because I am freaked out that a pedaphile might somehow find it. So begins all of the media-induced fears that parents have to deal with.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Loch Ness Monster and Other Myths

Grandma Becky swears to have witnessed Archer flip from back to front unassisted. "Yeah, right," we scoff, "it never happened." Meanwhile, she teases that she's skeptical of our claims that he laughs all the time, as she's never seen it herself. But now, just like that murky video footage of Bigfoot, we have documented evidence of the boy's giggles. Becky -- this one's for you.

Dressing Up Babies

Whether you prefer cutsie little mansuits in baby blue, novelty t-shirts with inane sayings like "precious little angel," or miniature-sized replicas of trendy current fashions, let's face it -- dressing your baby in silly clothing and snapping photos is simply a parent's birthright. Nevermind that many of these clothes are totally impractical and often infuriating (I am reminded of a certain shirt and overalls set that I almost took a pair of scissors-a-la-emergency-room-cut-away to after Archer shat tremendously and was screaming and writhing as I tried to undo a dozen buttons and nearly broke his arms trying to pass them through the stiff fabric), the point remains that we feel compelled to put funny clothes on this small person and imagine that he somehow enjoys them the way we do; perhaps he feels more professional and confident in a button-down shirt and khakis, more sassy in a pair of fireball leg warmers, more whimsical in a hat that looks like a strawberry. Or, we can slap a headband on that bald little head and imagine that he is the next Lebron James.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Life Imitates Art

Each boy gets exactly what he wants. Dad gets to read the sports page in his favorite chair, Archer gets to sit on Dad's lap and look out on the world. I am reminded of the gracefully written opening to The Brothers K by David James Duncan:

"Papa is in his easy chair, reading the Sunday sports page. I am lying across his lap. Later he will rise to his feet and the lap will divide into parts -- plaid shirt, brown leather belt, baggy tan trousers -- but for now the lap is one thing: a ground, a region, an earth..."

These boys are my joy, my frustration, my laughter, my wonder, my compromise, my truth, my stress, and my love. I'm feeling pretty good for an otherwise totally regular Friday morning.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


I swear, he loves swings. I've been scoping out all of the playgrounds in town for the best ones. We try for a swing outing at least once a day. Actually, in my quest for viable swings (the kind with the little leg holes), I was shocked to discover very few within Bellingham city limits -- only Fairhaven Park and Lake Padden have them so far. I will post any further developments as they come.

Awww, They Grow Up So Fast.

That listen-to-Mozart-in-the-womb stuff really works! He's our little driving prodigy. Look at the way he checks his mirror and blindspots. And such concentration -- you'd never catch this kid gabbing on his cell phone while dodging in and out of traffic on the freeway.


Solid food, that is. Archer digs it. "Rice cereal is so tasty, Dad," he says. Feeding him food from a bowl with a spoon makes him seem so old -- it makes me a little sad. Next thing you know, he'll be driving...

We Have Ourselves a Sleep Genius.

Here we are at day six of sleep training, and Archer is at the top of his class. Okay, it is a class of one, but he certainly deserves an "exceeds expectations" comment on his report card. He has learned how to self-soothe and put himself to sleep. Those two (yes, two) snuggle blankets help a lot. Occasionally he will cry for a bit, but mostly he either falls right to sleep or plays by himself in the cradle and then drifts off. Brilliant.