Sunday, October 21, 2007

Autumn Beauty

Fall initially depressed me, as I stared out the window at the relentless sheeting rain and ever-expanding brown puddles. Our apartment suddenly shrank before my very eyes. Archer bleated with discontent at the monotonous sight of the same blue-gray strip of carpet that he had occupied every day for the past week. What could I do with a pre-walking baby through the wet months of autumn in Bellingham? I immediately went online and ordered a rain shield for our backpack carrier. Then I coerced Archer's squirming limbs into his fleece bunting and homemade yellow rainsuit, setting out on a walk through campus. The wind swirled a sunset of leaves across the green lawns and swooshed a raucous song in our ears. We blew raspberries into the whipped air. When our cheeks turned rosy and the boy's fingers were tiny slivers of ice, we returned home for some warm oatmeal and a bath. Setting him down on that same strip of carpet, I placed some freshly harvested squash from our CSA veggie box in front of him. He immediately flapped his arms and stretched his mouth into a sunny grin. Not so bad after all. Bring on the winter.

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